Ice Done Kansas Style

Roadrunners vs. Amarillo Bulls

I really do like ice boxing. I know that there’s more to hockey than ice, a puck, and a few nets. There’s the toss-the-gloves-and-helmet-on-the-ice-fist-to-cuffs-fighting part that I just love! Yes, before you ask, I also used to watch racing just for the wrecks. Yes, I’m in therapy.

The jalapeno poppers were a huge success! They were put in the smoker so they took longer than I had expected but Chef Curt said they would. I tried to get a few pictures but they disappeared faster than expected. A huge hit! There was a bit of a debate if these were the food of the Gods or the Demi-Gods.  I think they agreed on Demi-gods.  I will definitely remember this one for future cookouts.  They were really good just the way they were but to make them mindbogglingly amazing I think I would add just the tiniest touch of chopped cherries into the cream cheese filling (thanks for the idea SBob).

SBob passing out "bacon-wrapped food of the Demi-Gods"

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