Jillian Death Match Day 2

After doing my first Ripped in 30 workout yesterday I realize what I’ve signed up for. The program is made up of three circuits of her 3-2-1 set up plus warm up and cool down. The 3-2-1 is 3 minutes of strength moves, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute abs. Sounds easy, right? HA! Yesterday I only got through the second circuit. Today my goal was to get past that point.

I still didn’t finish the workout but I did get past where I quit yesterday. So I’m happy with how I did. I have learned a few things though.
1: When she says have water handy. Do it.
2: Fans running on high are very helpful.
3: Wearing shoes really helps.
4: During the cardio sections large-chested women can count on not doing the arm movements because you will be holding the girls down to avoid black eyes. Not even trying to be funny.

After my workout yesterday I expected to be sore but WOW. Even a hot shower didn’t help much. What did help? Another workout. I’ve heard of hair of the dog but never in this context. Guess this is incentive to keep it up.